Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 29

I am feeling great and can't believe that I am already in week 29 of my pregnancy.
Yesterday I went to Denali OBGYN and completed my gestational diabetes test. I chose the orange syrupy liquid over the lemon lime (not sure I made the right choice or in this case if there is a 'right choice'). Then I had five minutes to chug the mixture, an hour long wait in the doctor's office ( I caught up on my US Weekly reading), and finally a quick blood test to finish up.

This week baby is hard at work gaining more weight (now about 2 & 1/2 pounds and the same weight as a butternut squash), maturing muscles, and developing strong bone structures. Good thing mama loves calcium rich foods like yogurt, cheese, and milk - YUM!!!

According to the above diagram, no wonder I can't breath when I sit down - baby's bottom (especially those little kickers) are giving my ribs a work out!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Valentine Day Fun!

Here I am (28 weeks pregnant) and posing with some of my class on Valentine's Day. I think my students and their parents think pregnant teachers need a lot of flowers, chocolate, and cards on this pink and red Hallmark holiday. Boy - did I get spoiled!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week 28

It is hard to believe that I am in my seventh month of pregnancy and entering my third trimester. Scott and I went for our 28 week appointment to see Dr. Saprykina on Wednesday (2/10/10). I now weigh 141.6 pounds and baby weighs 2 to 3 pounds. Baby's heartbeat was in the 160's during the appointment this time. I am excited that baby is doing well and is busy working hard growing eyelashes, developing neurons, and putting on the pounds.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 27

This week baby weighs about as much as a head of cauliflower and is sleeping and waking at regular intervals. Baby is also getting the hiccups every now and then. Mama, Daddy, and Avrey are enjoying tracking baby's hands and feet as they move across Mama's tummy.

Week 26

Baby is almost two pounds now and is training for the upcoming winter Olympics I think. (S)he is moving around at regular intervals throughout the day now and is especially active at night (I think (s)he will take after Dad-the-night-owl in that department). Baby can open his/her eyes and is probably working on a pretty set of 'blues' even though eye pigmentation is still developing at this point. Mama can't believe that time is passing so quickly... less than 100 days until we meet baby!