I went to my 32 week check up yesterday and I now weigh 143 lbs. The baby's heartbeat was registering in the 160 bpm range and my belly measurement was 35 cm (5 cm more than last time). Dr. Saprykina is probably going to do a sonogram at my next appointment to be sure that the baby is in the head-down position as we are getting closer and closer to the April 21st c-section date.
According to the experts, baby should be just over three to four pounds by now and should measure about 16 inches long. Baby now has toenails, fingernails, and hair on his/her head (of some sort).

Overall, things are going really well. I was sure to take advantage of the extra time that this snowy spring break in Alaska afforded me and started 'nesting'. The baby bassinette has been washed, set up, and covered so it will remain clean. All yellow, green, and white baby clothes have been washed, folded, and are now put away into a dresser awaiting baby's arrival. I think I may be driving Scott nuts but I feel less stressed and more ready for baby to make his/her big debut!